Who is the Proteus Controller for?

Brandon Blacoe
5 min read
May 24, 2024
Read on Medium

Who is the Proteus Controller for?

In the evolving landscape of gaming peripherals, adaptive controllers have become essential for making gaming accessible to everyone. ByoWave's Proteus Controller stands out by bridging the gap between standard controllers and existing adaptive controllers, offering a unique solution for gamers with specific needs. But who exactly is the Proteus Controller for, and how does it fit into the spectrum of adaptive controllers?

The Proteus Controller Breaking Apart with 3D Printed Handles on Either Side
The Proteus Controller Breaking Apart with 3D Printed Handles on Either Side

The Spectrum of Adaptive Controllers

Adaptive controllers have been a game-changer for many, especially those requiring large buttons and simple layouts due to limited fine motor skills. These controllers, such as the Xbox Adaptive Controller, have been praised for their accessibility features. However, their larger size and distinct design can sometimes feel cumbersome for gamers who prefer a more traditional, compact, handheld experience.

On the other end of the spectrum are standard controllers. These are compact, ergonomically designed, and familiar to most gamers. However, their fixed layouts and small buttons can pose significant challenges for those with disabilities that affect hand dexterity and motor skills.

The Spectrum of Adaptive Controllers
The Spectrum of Adaptive Controllers

The Proteus Controller: Bridging the Gap

ByoWave’s Proteus Controller sits perfectly in the middle of this spectrum. It is designed for gamers who need adaptive features but still desire the feel and functionality of a standard handheld controller. Here’s a closer look at who benefits most from the Proteus Controller.

1. Gamers who need adaptive hardware, but the current hardware available doesn’t suit their needs

The Proteus Controller is ideal for individuals who struggle with the design of a standard controller, but do not necessarily need the large buttons and wide spacing of more traditional adaptive controllers. For example, one handed gamers, gamers with chronic pain, and many more. Its modular design allows for customizable button placement and shape but still maintains a similar feel to a standard controller. Some gamers are also unable to use large buttons, so existing adaptive controller don’t solve their problem. 

2. Handheld Controller Enthusiasts

For gamers who prefer a handheld experience, the Proteus Controller maintains the compact, ergonomic design of standard controllers while offering adaptability. This makes it a perfect choice for those who want to avoid the bulkiness of some adaptive controllers but still need customizable features to accommodate their needs.

One Handed Dual Joystick Proteus Controller Configuration
One Handed Dual Joystick Proteus Controller Configuration

3. Inclusive Gaming

Customisable controllers are also just a cool and fun way to play games, even if you don’t have an accessible need to use one! We think of the Proteus Controller as an accessible controller, but not an accessibility-only controller, making something accessible doesn’t exclude those who don’t have disabilities, its the opposite, it includes everyone!

The more people that use adaptive and accessible controllers, the more accessible they become because then they become more widely available and accepted. With this idea, the Proteus Controller allows gamers who might have slight to moderate physical disabilities to enjoy gaming without feeling like they are using a completely different device from their peers because everyone would be using adaptive controllers! (how cool would that be!)

4. Those Needing a Balance of Accessibility and Portability

One of the standout features of the Proteus Controller is its balance between accessibility and portability. Unlike larger adaptive controllers that might be more suited for stationary setups, the Proteus Controller is portable and can be easily taken on the go, making it a versatile option for gamers who play in various locations.

4 Cube configuration

5. Using the Proteus Controller in conjunction with other adaptive controllers

Using Xbox’s co-pilot feature, also available on PC, the Proteus Controller can be used in addition to the Xbox Adaptive Controller. For example, some gamers may want large buttons, but don’t have an analog stick option available to them because the Xbox Adaptive Controller does not come with analog sticks, the Proteus Controller can be used with the adaptive controller with just an Analog cube and a power cube, or a Power Cube with a mini analog stick. 

6. Community Sharing 

During our development, we met 100s of gamers in the space who were doing amazing things with what is available to them on the market, including makers, occupational therapists, gaming specialists in Children’s Hospitals, passionate gamers, parents and friends. But we also met people who had no idea where to begin when it came to accessible gaming. 

We want to bridge the gap between those who have the technical knowledge and ability, and those who want to game but just don’t know where to start. We are doing this by building our software system to allow for community sharing. Users will be able to save and share their configuration with each other and rate their controllers based on how easy they are to build and use, and rate based on how cool and creative the design is! You can also tag your controller with information such as your disability, use case, or game, so others can search for a controller and match up with configurations that might work for them. 

Proteus Controller Analog Cubes
Proteus Controller Analog Cubes

7. Community Customisation

We designed the Proteus Controller in a way that will allow us to continue developing and bringing out new modules and products that integrate with each other to improve the ecosystem of the Proteus Controller.

We know we won’t be able to provide a solution that works for everyone to start, as there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all-solution to game accessibility, so we want to make it as easy as possible to adapt the Proteus Controller to work for you. This is why we are open-sourcing the connection mechanism to allow users to 3D print custom parts such as handles, analog sticks, stands, mounts, and whatever you want!


The Proteus Controller by ByoWave fills a crucial niche in the world of gaming peripherals. It offers a middle ground for those who need adaptive features but still want the comfort and familiarity of a handheld, compact controller. By doing so, it ensures that more gamers can enjoy their favourite games without compromising on the experience. For anyone struggling with standard controllers yet finding that traditional adaptive controllers still don’t solve their problem, the Proteus Controller is an excellent choice, bringing inclusivity and adaptability to the forefront of gaming.

We will be updating our blog when we have more information to share (and some new UI designs), but be sure to join our Discord where you can chat directly with the team and share your feedback!

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